Service and pricing

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine,

but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame,

in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

-Thomas Edison

Single price for acupuncture

Evaluation and first treatment – 90-100$

Follow-ups – 90-100$

We accept cash, e-transfer and debit card.

Receipts for insurance in the name of the beneficiary are
automatically e-mailed the same day.

If you need to cancel:

You can reschedule or cancel up
to 24 hours in advance without problem.

If you have to cancel within less than 24 hours of the
treatment, there is a cancellation fee of 50% of the price of
the treatment, except in case of force majeure (extreme
weather, cold/flu/gastro, hospitalization, loss of a relative).


How does it work?

Email me!

So that I can better prepare for your particular case and to understand how to help you best.


On the first appointment

Your condition is assessed, and the first treatment is
administered in an attempt to solve the case quickly.

A plan for your well-being

If your condition requires more than one treatment, a clear
strategy will be discussed in order to help you reach your goals.


Gua Sha
Heat lamp


Musculo-skeletal approach

My approach is sport specific because they all cause different wear and tear.

Orthopedic evaluation for an optimal treatment of the muscles and tendons, balance between agonist /
antagonist and muscle-joint mechanics.

Pain related to repetitive movements
and posture at work.

Rock climbing and hospitality industry: I’ve had all those injuries, so I know about them.

Numerous post-graduate training on the topic.


Acupuncture treatments should be every 3-4 days when the pain or condition is acute, and once weekly when it is bearable.

In the case of relative health, a seasonal treatment for prevention is advised, especially at the change of Season.


The goal of the treatments is to restore or restart homeostasis or the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Insertion of needles in different parts of the body is done gently and (almost) without pain. Patients often call it « a sweet pain » because they feel tensions going away.
Some points are more sensitive than others and that is totally normal. Once the needles are in place, they take between 15 – 25 minutes to change the energy patterns back to a healthy one. The environment is calm with soft music for your comfort. A heating lamp is used if needed.

All this to help you reach a deep relaxation.

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